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W H A T  K I N D  O F  W O R L D
C A N  W E  C R E A T E ?

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W H A T  I S  C O M P A S S I O N ? 


Compassion is the act of alleviating

one's own or another's suffering

W H A T  I S  S U F F E R I N G ? 


 Suffering is the state of experiencing physical or emotional pain, distress, discomfort, or hardship

O U R  T H E S I S

The average citizen would say we are living in the most fractured society in memory. At INTRALIGHT, we believe that at the heart of every major issue, is the choice of whether or not to care for and support others. Political polarization, discrimination, police brutality, corporate greed, climate change, corrupt media, school shootings, widespread depression and anxiety, the great resignation, AI domination... We know what the challenges are, but who's actually enabling real change? If there truly are intractable problems to overcome, is getting to a better place even possible?

With compassion, we can tackle any problem, and create profound, enduring change.

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